Waterberg Big 5 Adventure

Waterberg South Africa: (IT-SAPR01)
URL: https://www.hiddentrails.com/tour/south_africa_waterberg_big_5_adventure.aspx

Waterberg South Africa
Discover the Entabeni Reserve of South Africa, its wildlife and nature from the back of a horse: an overwhelming feeling!

Travel as the first settlers did many years ago: listen to the rhythmic sound of hooves galloping on paths used only by animals, the horses breathing breaking the silence, the pungent aroma of horse sweat in the air... We aim to convey a feeling of traveling back in time, disconnecting form everyday life and taking time to absorb the peace and tranquility of an African safari.

On this safari, you will experience pure adrenaline mixed with an ever-changing scenery and variety of wildlife, which will give you a true sense of freedom and excitement.
If you would like to design your own safari, we can accommodate a minimum of two people and maximum of eight, on our private rides. This is ideal for people who cannot travel on set dates or would like to base the ride at one or two lodges, or travel for a shorter number of days.


This is a progressive ride, so nights will be spent in different locations.

You will be staying at different deluxe bush camps and lodges. We reserve the right to use alternative lodges on the reserve should the outlined be fully booked. Should this occur, guests will stay at a lodge of the same standard, or higher.

Cell service is usually available most of the time while riding in the reserve. Our guides always have a radio to keep in touch at any time.

Accommodation Itinerary for 8-day program - subject to changes based on availability
Night 1 & 2: Fly Camp
Night 3: Wildside Tented Camp
Night 4: Camp under the stars
Night 5 & 6: Kingfisher Lodge
Night 7: Hanglip Lodge

Accommodation Itinerary for 6-day program - subject to changes based on availability
Night 1: Fly Camp
Night 2: Wildside Tented Camp
Night 3: Camp under the stars
Night 4: Kingfisher Lodge
Night 5: Wildside Tented Camp

Note that from June to August, our night under the stars will be substituted by dome tents as the nights become quite cold.

Wildside Tented Camp
It is one of the most charming accommodations on the reserve, with a real African wilderness feel. It is located on the lower escarpment and offers 20 comfortable en-suite tented chalets, all equipped with a tea/coffee station, a minibar (stocked on request), a ceiling fan and a hairdryer.
This camp is fully equipped with Wi-Fi access and electricity.

Fly Camp
Our fly camp is set up exclusively for the group booked and can be broken down in 24 hours (leaving no trace of our passage). We choose the location for its natural beauty, safety and ambience so to allow guests to experience the true wilderness and spend a few days under traditional style canvas tents. Our Fly Camp is usually set up by natural rock pools, allowing guest to relax in the sun or swim when water levels are high.
Each tent can sleep two people, in military style bed frames with a comfortable mattress and white linen and duvets. The tents are high enough to walk in comfortably and are finished with a carpet and a bedside table. The tents are connected between each other with lantern lit pathways. Facilities are shared (long drop loo and bucket shower). There is no Wi-Fi access.
Dinners in the riverbed, are a must at this location as well as cozy evenings by the fire after the days ride to discuss the happening of the day.

Camping under the stars (weather dependent)
This mobile camp is set up for our riders only and is situated in a remote area of the reserve. Clients sleep under mosquito nets. There is a kitchen tent, dining tent, a basic wash up area with hand towels and toiletries and central soma area (open fire).
A sleeping bag will be provided (no need to bring your own). Hot water bottles in your bed in winter and steering hot showers (hung form a tree) are available during your stay. The true African experience.
There is no electricity or Wi-Fi in camp, but lanterns set the scene as the sun sets, for romantic evenings around the fire, in true wilderness.

Kingfisher Lodge
Ideally located on the banks of Lake Entabeni, this stunning lodge offers 8 suites. Each suite features an ensuite bathroom, a tea & coffee station, ceiling fan, a safe, a heater and a fireplace.
As the most luxurious of all the upper escarpment lodges, the ambience is inviting with stylish décor and custom designed furniture.
There is a swimming pool and a beautiful wooden deck where guests can relax in the evening.

Hanglip Lodge
This beautiful 5-star lodge offers luxurious accommodations with beautiful views. The rooms are spacious and come equipped with a private sun deck, tea and coffee station, ceiling fan, air conditioning and private facilities.
There is a pool and free Wi-Fi access.

Room Occupancy
If you are willing to share, the single supplement fee does not apply.

All meals are included from dinner on Day 1 to breakfast on the last day.

Dietary Restrictions
We can cater to most dietary restrictions if given prior notice.
Unfortunately, we are unable to cater to celiacs (but gluten-free diets are okay) and vegans.

This trip includes and can accommodate special dietary requests.


Our horse safari groups are small, and we ensure personal attention is given to our guests. There is one lead guide and a backup guide for each safari.

Terrain & Riding Experience
Challenging terrain at times, with steep slopes. Leading the horse will sometimes be necessary.
We accept strong intermediate riders on our safari and adapt the riding pace to the group. Everyone should feel comfortable at a walk, trot and canter in open spaces.


NOTE: Please note that due to changes in weather and other unforeseen events, the itineraries and accommodations used may change at the last minute.

The lower part of the reserve is home to the Big 5 (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and African buffalo) while the upper escarpment is a rhino reserve with plenty of giraffes and other ungulates. There are no lions and no elephants on the upper escarpment.

Sample Itinerary: 8-day program - subject to changes

Day 1 (Saturday): Arrival
You will be met at OR Tambo international Airport, by one of our representatives, to be transferred to Entabeni Game Reserve (about a 2.5 hour drive), heading North to reach the World Heritage Waterberg Biosphere.
You will be welcomed by our team, at our “fly camp” set at the nearby farm in an area where buffalo roam abundantly as well as the rare sable antelope which we hope to see on horseback.
Lunch is served, and you will receive a brief on the days to come. After we know a little more about you and your preferences, you will be matched with your horse.
You will depart for your afternoon intro ride, and later, you will enjoy sundowners on the wood deck, looking over the waterhole.
At dinner, the staff will welcome you with some traditional singing and a three-course meal under the African sky.
Meals included: Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Fly camp (Ikhaya Nyati farm)

Day 2 (Sunday): Game Reserve Ride
Early wake up and breakfast before you set off on a 2.5 hour ride and come back for lunch at camp. You can have a rest and reset in the wonderful surroundings before your afternoon ride, enjoying drinks around the fire. 
This is your last night at fly camp. Your bags will be packed for the following days move.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Fly camp (Ikhaya Nyati farm)

Day 3 (Monday): Entabeni Ride
Wake to the sound of the bush coming to life, with hot water boiling on the fire. You will ride out of the reserve, and to a beautiful spot, for your brunch under a fig tree. Today will be the day to change or try a new horse should you want to.
You will ride to the gate of Entabeni reserve and enter big 5 territory. We ride to the permanent tented camp, where you will arrive in time for a short break to settle in. Your luggage will be waiting in your rooms, and the horses will have an afternoon off.
Your game drive vehicle and guide will be waiting at 3:30 pm (in winter) or 4:00 pm (in summer) to take you on a 3-hour game drive, with a stop for sundowner drinks. There is a pool, so you may opt to skip the game drive if you would prefer some time at the pool.
Have your camera ready, to hopefully capture lion or elephants up close!
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Wildside tented camp

Day 4 (Tuesday): Ride Up the Escarpment
A light breakfast will be served, and you have the opportunity of another early morning game drive (only possible during summer), followed by breakfast at the lodge. Your bags will be ready for our logistics team to collect.
You will be transferred to the horses which will be waiting at the reserve gate, and you will set off to explore the reserve heading in a different direction and new terrain, with the possibility of encountering different species of animals.
You will go up to the upper escarpment following a trail which was made by woman in 1994 and is the steepest manmade road in southern Africa. For that reason, you will have to partially lead you horse up (dismount) so please let us know in advance if you require a vehicle to take you up the 600 meter road, which is at a 40 degree slant on the toughest areas.
You will have a beautiful lunch set up at the natural rock pools on the way up, to arrive at top section of the reserve, where you will be surprised by the open plains, and such different scenery. Rhinos are abundant here, and heavily protected, creating a sanctuary for them.
You will spend a night under the stars, with mosquito nets. Camp will be lit up with lanterns and candles before your three-course dinner is served.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight Camping under the stars (weather dependant)

Day 5 (Wednesday): Ride to Kingfisher Lodge
Today, you wake up before dawn. Your horses will be ready for a “night ride” to reach a breathtaking spot at the top of the mountain, to watch the sunrise, with coffee in hand. Come back to camp for breakfast, taking in the views before you depart to the next lodge.
On your arrival, a well deserved lunch awaits, as you take in the views and hopefully see some hippos in the lake.
You may make use of the pool, before your afternoon ride, in search for hippo, giraffe and rhino amongst other such as eland and other abundant game.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Kingsfisher Lodge

Day 6 (Thursday): Entabeni Ride
Early start with tea, coffee and biscuits at the lodge, before your game drive or bush walk. Come back to a wonderful breakfast followed by your half day ride. You will come back to the lodge for lunch and some time to relax.
In the afternoon, you will set off on your ride covering the other side of the reserve.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Kingsfisher Lodge

Day 7 (Friday): Ride Down
You will have the option of a game drive or bush walk, before breakfast. Your bags will be collected by the team, and you will set off on a long ride (5 hours) to the lower part of the reserve again.
Ride sandy tracks with great canter opportunity, to arrive at Hanglip Lodge, with views to the mountain you just came down. This colonial feel lodge, has a spa should you wish to book a massage (extra charge, payable at lodge).
Afternoon will be spent at leisure or game drive as preferred.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Hanglip Lodge

Day 8 (Saturday): Departure
Early morning, after breakfast you will go on your last morning ride, on the lower escarpment of the reserve,
You might be able to squeeze in a game drive early enough before your ride.
Our driver will be ready to transfer you to the airport for your flight.
Meals included: Breakfast

Sample Itinerary: 6-day program - subject to changes

Note that this program can be shortened (minimum of 4 night's stay).

Day 1 (Sunday): Arrival
You will be met at OR Tambo international Airport, by one of our representatives, to be transferred to Entabeni Game Reserve (about a 2.5 hour drive), heading North to reach the World Heritage Waterberg Biosphere.
You will be welcomed by our team, at our fly camp. The area allows for wonderful sightings of buffalo, as well as giraffe. During your afternoon ride, you will be welcomed by the team, with traditional songs and drinks before you head back to camp for a three course meal prepared over the fire.
Meals included: Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Fly camp (Ikhaya Nyati farm)

Day 2 (Monday): Entabeni Ride
Wake to the sound of the bush coming to life and depart on your early morning ride. En route, you will stop at a beautiful shaded spot, close to the stables for an opulent brunch. You will then continue the ride to Entabeni, and head for a short game drive to Wildside tented camp where you will arrive in time for dinner.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Wildside tented camp

Day 3 (Tuesday): Ride Up the Escarpment
After morning game drive and breakfast, the horses will be waiting for you for your ride through big 5 territory. You will go up to the upper escarpment following a trail which was made by woman in 1994 and is the steepest man made road in southern Africa. For that reason, you will have to partially lead you horse up (dismount) so please let us know in advance if you require a vehicle to take you up the 600 meter road, which is at a 40 degree slant on the toughest areas.
You will have a beautiful lunch set up at the natural rock pools on the way up, to arrive at top section of the reserve, where you will be surprised by the open plains, and such different scenery. Rhinos are abundant here, and heavily protected, creating a sanctuary for them.
Arrive at the top of the mountain, where you go to your star gazing tents (or dome tents weather depending). The views onto the plains are spectacular, and you can expect abundance of game right at your “doorstep”.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight Camping under the stars (weather dependant)

Day 4 (Wednesday): Mountain Ride
Early start before sunrise. Our horses will be waiting with tea and coffee in your saddle bags. Today, you will ride to the peak of the mountain to view the reserve from the highest point, only accessible by horseback.
Come back to camp for breakfast and head out to the lodge, arriving in time for lunch.
In the afternoon, you have the option of a ride or game drive.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight Kingfisher Lodge

Day 5 (Thursday): Ride Down
After a game drive this morning, you will have breakfast at the lodge before riding back down the escarpment. To go down, we will not have a support vehicle, but it is not strenuous and worth the “leg stretch”.
You will ride through big game territory again, to arrive at the gates of Entabeni from where you will be transferred to your lodge for lunch.
In the afternoon, you will have a game drive.
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Wildside tented camp

Day 6 (Friday): Departure
After breakfast you will have the opportunity for a 2.5 hour “goodbye ride”. After this you will say farewell to the horses and depart to the airport.
Meals included: Breakfast

Rates and Dates for Waterberg Big 5 Adventure

Rates include:

Accommodations, All meals with drinks at fly camp, Activities as described in itinerray & Taxes
Sadlebags provided
A sleeping bag is provided when camping under the stars (weather dependant)

Packages and Options

  • SeasonYearDescriptionEUR ~US$
    20248 day Safari€3520$3870
    • Single supplement (if not willing to share)€240$265
  • B
    20246 day Safari€2640$2905
    • Single supplement (if not willing to share)€150$165
The US Dollar Rate is Based on Exchange Rate of 1.1
We recommend 10 euros per person per day. Tips can be paid by card or cash (Euros, USD and South African Rands are all accepted).


* prices are per person based on double/twin occupancy
We recommend 10 euros per person per day. Tips can be paid by card or cash (Euros, USD and South African Rands are all accepted).

Transfer and Other Charges:

2024 Transfer from/to Johannesburh airport, pp, return (2 pax only) 280 $290
2024 Transfer from/to Johannesburh airport, pp, return (3+ pax only) 120 $125

Season Tour Dates  Min / MaxReserve
A 2024 04/06 - 04/13 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
B 2024 04/14 - 04/19 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
A 2024 04/20 - 04/27 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
A 2024 04/28 - 05/05 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
A 2024 05/04 - 05/11 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
B 2024 05/12 - 05/17 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
A 2024 05/18 - 05/25 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
A 2024 06/01 - 06/08 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
B 2024 06/09 - 06/14 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Expired
B 2024 07/14 - 07/19 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 07/20 - 07/27 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 08/03 - 08/10 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
B 2024 08/11 - 08/16 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 09/07 - 09/14 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
B 2024 09/15 - 09/20 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 09/21 - 09/28 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 10/05 - 10/12 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
B 2024 10/13 - 10/18 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 11/02 - 11/09 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
B 2024 11/10 - 11/15 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
A 2024 11/24 - 12/01 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Sold Out
A 2024 12/07 - 12/14 8d / 7n 8 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve
B 2024 12/15 - 12/20 6d / 5n 6 day Safari 2 /8 Reserve

Dates Note: Shorter program available (min 4 nights) - please inquire

Rates do not include:

Optional SPA activities, Optional night drives, Additional game drives, Airport transfers, Drinks at the lodge & Gratuities

Other Info
Airport: Johannesburg
Transfer: Johannesburg Airport

                                            Sterkriver area














Average High Temperature (°F)













Average Low Temperature (°F)













Average High Temperature (°C)













Average Low Temperature (°C)













Average Precipitation (days of rain)













Source: NOAA

The region is malaria-free and benefits from a moderate climate with a summer rainfall.

Days tend to be hot during the day and comfortably cool in the evenings.  Summertime permits swimming as there is abundant water during this time. Rides take place earlier in the mornings to escape the heat of the day, and depart later in the afternoon for the same reason.

The winter months tend to be dry, with little to no rainfall and warm daytime temperatures. The temperatures at night can reach below 8 Degrees Celsius, so be sure to bring something warm!
Rides start later in the morning as the day warms up, and will also leave earlier in the afternoon.

What To Bring:
We recommend the following in a soft bag (no hard case luggage please).

Riding Equipment:
  • Neutral colored riding clothes / Jodhpurs
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Riding shoes
  • Chaps

  • Walking shoes
  • Sandals
  • Long-sleeved cotton shirts
  • T-shirts
  • Shorts
  • Cotton trousers
  • Raincoat / Waterproof cape (for the summer)
  • Windbreaker (for autumn and spring)
  • Sweater (for winter)
  • Hat
  • Bathing suit (for summer)
  • Warm socks (for winter)
  • Fleece

  • Swiss army knife
  • Water bottle
  • Handkerchief
  • Water purifier (Micropur)
  • Personal pharmacy (prescription drugs, aspirin...)
  • Anti paludean treatment
  • Mosquito spray (for the summer)
  • Lip stick
  • Sun cream
  • Sunglasses
  • Glasses if you need them or in case you lose your contact lenses
  • Binoculars
  • Camera
  • Flashlight
  • Lighter
  • Earplug
  • IDs
  • Insurance certificate